
69 Performance Club Edisi ke-18
Galeri Kertas Studio Hanafi / 15.02.2020 / 15.00

Dhuha Ramadhani. Otty Widasari & Proyek Kelompok Teater. Pingkan Polla. Riyadhus Shalihin. Robby Ocktavian.

Anggraeni Dwi Widhiasih & Prashasti Wilujeng Putri

Pertunjukan ini terselenggara atas dukungan dan kerjasama studiohanafi dan Forum Lenteng Jakarta

The curatorial “Sandi Kala” invites the participants to explore the scattered collective narrative codes and bring back their performative potential, especially the collective narratives stored in the text, both text as writing and in a broader context, through text, motion and form and its relevance to the distribution of collective narratives in the Southeast Asian region.

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