Karya ini adalah sekuel dari “I’m Talking to You” yang dipresentasikan di edisi pertama 69 Performance Club. Di sini, Fauzan juga mencoba menyampaikan kejujuran dari cerita-ceritanya dengan menggunakan media balon sebagai penampung semua kebenaran cerita yang ia sampaikan. Ketika ia bercerita, balon juga ikut mengembang dan menghasilkan kedipan lampu LED.
This artwork is the sequel of “I’m Talking to You” which was presented in the first edition of 69 Performance Club. Through this work, Fauzan tries to tell the truth from his stories using balloons as the medium to gather all the truth of the stories. When he tells the story, the balloons also enlarge and at the same time, LED lamps inside the balloons aglow.
Video Documentation: Division of Research and Development of Forum Lenteng
6 mei 2016
Gudang Sarinah Ekosistem, Jakarta Selatan
Muhamad Fauzan Chaniago
#5 Pulsing Light