Pada karya The Absence of Body Itself, Abi Rama menjadi tubuh-tubuh yang hadir pada 69 Perfomance Club edisi kedua (penonton) sebagai mediumnya mengantar pesan. Melalui telepon selular, ia mengontak para penonton untuk membacakan ucapan terimakasih dari seniman (Abi) atas kehadiran untuk menonton pertujukannya, dimana sang seniman berhalangan hadir. Bunyi sinyal pesan masuk, dan pembacaan ucapan terimakasih, mendorong tubuh-tubuh penonton menjadi diam, menunggu giliran, dan menerima sesuatu yang tak terduga dari sang seniman.
In “The Absence of Body Itself”, Abi Rama became bodies that are present at 69 Perfomance Club second edition (the audience) as a medium between messages. By mobile phone, he contacted the audience to read the acknowledgments of the artist (Abi) for coming to watch the show, where the artist was unable to attend. The sound of incoming messages, and the acknowledgments, pushing the bodies of the audience became silent, waiting, and receive something unexpected from the artist.
69 Performance Club: MENELISIK TUBUH / PROBING THE BODY, 9 Februari 2016, di Forum Lenteng, Jakarta.
Video Documentation: Division of Research and Development of Forum Lenteng.
9 Februari 2016
Forum Lenteng, Jakarta Selatan
Abi Rama
#2 Menelisik tubuh