Suatu fenomena kultural dimungkinkan ketika replikasi ide, perilaku, atau gaya menyebar dari orang ke orang di dalam tubuh kebudayaan. Merespon ide “Viral”, dalam karya performansnya, Pandji akan mengeksplorasi kemungkinan2 teknologi (speaker wireless) dalam mereplikasi suaranya, dan bagaimana teknologi tersebut memengaruhi persoalan-persoalan komunikasi seperti proses ulang alik antara presentasi dan representasi.

A cultural phenomenon is possible when the replication of ideas, behavior, or styles spreads from person to person in the body of culture. Responding to the idea of “Viral”, in his performance work, Pandji will explore the possibilities of technology (wireless speaker) in replicating his voice, and how this technology affects communication issues such as the shuttle process between presentation and representation.



12 Desember 2019


RewindArt – Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Dhanurendra Pandji

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